About US

Camelback Real Estate Finance provides fast funding for your investment real estate projects. Our real estate centered approach allows for a no hassle, simple, tailored solution to your funding needs. Given our in depth, local real estate background, we are able to finance projects many lenders may turn away due to funding timeline or deal complexity.

Our Philosophy


Serving An Underserved Market

There is a lot of funding out there in today's market. At Camelback Real Estate Finance, we strive to serve those investors who seek funding either too small for traditional commercial bridge lenders, or  too complex for smaller hard money lenders.  Specializing in loan sizes up to $5mm, our firm applies institutional quality knowledge and service to the private capital market.


Service Driven In & Out of the Office

A portion of our annual earnings is invested to local non-profits to help make a difference in our community. It is incredibly important to our firm to ensure that we make a positive impact.